You'll never guess where I'm typing from right now. Central Park? I wish. Starbucks? Nope, it's even better. I'm currently staring at the large Mac screen on my desk at work. Yup, ya heard me...I'm blogging while I'm at X Mag. Incredible-never thought I'd see the day. Very exhilarating I must say. We barely have anything to do today, coming in was pointless. I'm waiting on some clothing to arrive and that's it so I figured why not play catch up with all of you out there. The office is practically empty due to everyone rushing out to the Hamptons for their oh-so-exclusive 4th of July festivities.
So, I know if I'd get a progress report for this blog, I'd probably have about a C because I've been lazy with my posting, which I am SO not happy about. When I initially started, I had every intention of posting every day and creating a pattern of things I include at the bottom...but that's not really happening now, is it? Hopefully, I can get back on track after the nice, long weekend.
Well, I have a valid excuse for Tuesday night's absence. I attended a
Stylecaster party with some gals from work, making Wednesday quite the hump-day struggle. We were all on about 4 hours of sleep, bloodshot get the point...we looked fabulous. Needless to say, I crashed in my meat-locker-temperature apt. after work for a solid 3 hours, skipping din and my usual nightly routine of flipping between E!, Bravo, and MTV. Ok sorry for the long rambling sesh, on to more important things.
At X Mag on Monday, I had to find inspirational pictures, and while going thru random blogs just like I go thru random clothing here on the reg, I stumbled across
Danny Roberts' blog. Amazing. I feel al little behind the times because I'm sure many of you are already acquainted with his stuff, but whatevs. I mean, I've seen his work before and always thought it was cool but now I'm officially obsessed. So obsessed that I'm covering my entire wall in my room with his paintings. I'll be sure to post a pic of it when it's done. I'm uber excited-it's gonna be my little craft project. He copies covers of international Vogues, uses eye-popping colors and has this technique I can't get over. The one below is my current fave, a "Karl Lagerfeld Thanksgiving" with the girls donned in the Chanel Spring 2010 collection on his side. Furthermore, if you haven't already heard this old news...he just recently collaborated with Forever 21 and did sketches of bloggers like Geri Hirsch from
Because I'm Addicted and
Alice Point. Check out his interview with Forever 21's mag
Love it? Take a peek at my friend
Rachel's blog..she's got a grid banner with loads of his portraits.
In other news, it was like Christmas after lunch at X Mag yesterday. After devouring a canoli and cheesecake brownie (whoops! ok ok, I split both with the girls) in the caf, I came upstairs and found a Seven discount card for me. 30% off any pair of my favorite jeans. Wahooo! Annnd a shiny new Blackberry had my name written all over it. Explanations: My boss simply didn't want the gift cards and gave them to us and the Blackberry had been sitting in the back of a prop closet for over a year, craving to be played with and have an owner. Good stuff.
In the meantime, I've got my eye on...

This WRecordsbyMonkey Brooklyn necklace. This is an independent Brooklyn-based design company I discovered at the Young Designer's Market down in NoLita a few weeks ago. Well, actually, my boss was wearing it and I immediately had to have it so I ventured down to the big warehouse on a Saturday afternoon and the guy didn't have this one with him that day..bummer. Oh well. Another time. Love Brooklyn and love it even more because that's where my mommy dearest is from so it's sorta got some meaning behind it, right? :)