Friday, 25 June 2010


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It's Friday. As in the Friday that I have the day off. So what am I doing cuddled under my comforter scraping the bottom of my Whole Foods salsa, watching "The Last Days of Michael Jackson" on E? Well, let me fill you on the past 24 hours (since I was a slacker and didn't post yesterday) Yesterday was another "good day" at X Mag. Filled my hours with Pandora and Google searching once again. Left early at 5:30, got home and took a breath, and was right back out the door to dinner at Uva on the UES. Afterwards, my friend and I headed to the Forever 21 Times Square launch party. We arrived at the doors, stated our names, and as the doorman checked the list, we didn't feel too confident. We looked at each other like "What's going on? We RSVPed yesterday" After listing what magazine we were with and some of our bosses names, we were standing on the brand spanking new tile floor, adorned in a purple wristband.
While oohing and ahhing at all the cute new clothes and layout of the store, we reached the bottom, where the party came to life. As we were enjoying our champagne flutes, we ran into a friend from another magazine and she immediately said, "Ohhhh, you guys got purple wristbands too?!...You know that everyone with purple on is on the V.I.P list or an editor....I've had a handful of people come introduce themselves to me like I was someone important." Well, well, well...what a nice little surprise. Us twentysomethings were being perceived as big-wigs. So we carried on and chit chatted for a while, turned our heads back and forth like a tennis match at the fashion show, and were on our way out after a few hours at our first fashion-industry-networking-kind-of-event, if you will. We received our goody bags and encountered a swarm of tourists at the exit, curious to know what was going on. Pushing through the crowd, we made our way to a bar across the street. And so on...
8 a.m. this morning, Blackberry screaming in my ear, I knew I had to get up and get on the A train to get on the F to meet my boss to get the Leyendecker sweater, and bring it to Saks. I had my whole routine planned out like a printout of HopStop directions, but I did not want to pull back the covers. Twenty-five minutes later, there I was standing on the platform for the downtown A, feeling like I was run over by a train on 4 hours of sleep. Needless to say, it was one of those subway rides where I didn't slide my Wayfarers up. I had to hide my sleep-deprived face from all. And might I add, I really can't stand when people do that on the train. They try to be so mysterious behind their sunnies but it's like "Really? Everyone knows you're people watching/staring anyways...." I was finally on the F, and I probably would have fallen asleep right then and there if it wasn't for Phoenix blasting in my ears, when I did the unthinkable and leaned my head on the germ-infested hand rail to my right. Sick. Never again. I finally reached my destination, got the freaking sweater from my boss, and got right back on the train to head all the way over to Saks. I'd go on and add all the problems I came across in that time, but it's exhausting me all over to just think about it (and this post is getting rather lengthy). At last, I was back under the covers, chowing down on an everything bagel, watching the current World Cup game (Finally! Our office needs a TV! So mad I missed that 91st minute earlier this week!)
So, after a 4 hour nap, here I am, still not ready to move an inch. I suppose I'll Ebay for a little while longer and then force myself to get moving. After all, it is the weekend, which means it's time for total relaxation and fun. TGIF.

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